Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sexy Girl On My Arm

I'm lucky she's blind.

Return Of The Melba

Be afraid, be very afraid...

Welcome Back

Our friend's action figure display reminded me of The Forty Year Old Virgin movie but then I saw the Welcome Back Kotter boys and I understood. These dolls are really cool and I'm quite jealous.

Big Time

These sytlish women's glasses magnified my Hoegaarden beer perfectly.

A Friendly Little Guy

Even though his left eye was almost completely shut he was still able to focus on his beer of choice.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

God Bless Texas


Ashley was quite a good shot and that scared me straight. She shot out the windows of that broken down Blazer, that you can see behind her, just for fun. She kept screaming some variation of "You better treat me right, Mark Hale!" before she squeezed the trigger on each round. Pray for me.

My Lovely Tumor

My little tumor has black hair and teeth. I'm too scared to get it removed.

New Year's Eve Aftermath

Ashley and I were losers and stayed home on New Year's Eve. The good news is that my notoriously sleepy wife stayed up until 12:05.

Desert Scene